sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2008

Do you remember the time?

No estoy seguro de que tan seguro sea escribir en esto, pero bueno, aqui voy...

Hoy, no pude evitar recordar que me es posible recordar cada momento, cada segundo, y palabra que cruzé con "aquél"...(creo q me sale mejor in inglish)...obviously it´s because you know what...blablabla---And today, I love that. I love being able to remember every single fact I lived with him.

Now I am at that point or phase where you are able to remember, and in fact, put a smile upon your face. I´m happy about that...´cause this is how it should be. How could i hate somedy I loved so much?

Yes, I hated myself and hated him because we weren´t as thoughtful and grown up´s to turned that relationship into something "big". i really wanted it. Actually I still want it...not with him, but somebody I know I´ll meet. (Yes, I´m also at that point or phase where you are optimistic and full of hope).

I think of all that other phases post-trauma, this is actually the best one. Now I feel kind of free, guilty free and somewhat happy about have lived that...Now I feel happy for kick my face on that hard wall called "new love (relationship) and it´s encounter with old love (sex)".

Years ago some new york writer wondered about the results of a relationship. She said that after it, you would be married or would learn something...Today I feel I´ve learned something.NOt in the good way...but in the most realistic one.

Now I have a really nice memory "in the corners of mi mind". I´m glad it is a nice, painful, happy and even lovely memory.

In this final phase I "just choose to remember of (...) the way we were".

__(hace mucho no escribía en inglés, así que disculpas por si hay errores) :)